Monday, March 3, 2008

A Swirling Spiral of Communion

Today I had 50 minutes of walking contemplation by the creek with no rattlers shaking their tails at me.

What Am I?

What kept arising in my consciousness as I intended to experience the truth of what I am and opened to my awareness of the moment?

I am what fills my body and brings it to life. I am the earth that moves under
my feet. I am the pleasure of the warmth of the sun and the
refreshing cool breeze on my skin. I am nothing and everything. I am all
of this and more.

I saw a triad, one woman and two men, sitting together on the bank of the creek, enjoying one another's company in playful conversation, and later walking together. I love threesomes. The energy of three creates such a powerful stimulation, a swirling spiral of communion. I thought of me and Pema and Ren, of me and Buddhapest and Ren. Of possibilities.

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