Monday, March 24, 2008

Who Am I? (Four)

I'm procrastinating. Bored with so much busy work. Lots to do. A sense of overwhelm. "Get Busy!", that voice chastises me inside my head. I ignore it. Who is the one chastising? Who is the one ignoring? Who is the one resisting any and all agendas? I want a personal assistant. A manager that organizes all of it and guides me to get it all done. Someone not pushy but persistent. Someone who does all the busy work and tells me what to do. Time to meditate. Take a walk now. Call this person, here's their number. Someone who pays my bills, fills my car up with gas, cleans the junk out of it, washes it and takes it in to be serviced 2,000 miles ago. Why is there always so much waiting for me, weighting me down? Who is this one experiencing the pressure? I am here. Right here. Right here now. Nothing matters except that. Except what? Except the one who knows. I know. "Just do the fucking work already!" OK. Who said that? Said what? Which one am I? This is crazy talk. Crazy thoughts. I'm going to work.

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