Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Beware of the CandyMan

He was very big, kinda dumb, and fairly well-groomed. Although not bad looking, he was sort of a cross between Jethro, from "The Beverly Hillbillies," and "The Hulk". And he had an odd look in his eyes.

He was an acquaintance of my ex who had discovered where I lived and started coming around. He was a boring sort of fellow but seemed nice enough and as I had lots of free time I'd hang out and be nice to him when he showed up.

He knew I had a sweet tooth and always brought me candy when he came--Hershey's, Snickers, Butterfingers, and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. He seemed lonely and was always well-mannered...until the day he decided it was time for me to put out and have sex with him and I disagreed.

The visit started out like any other. He showed up unannounced with his bag of candy. We chatted for a few minutes before he walked over and sat down next to me on my bed (my bed was in the living room) and started kissing me. I pulled away and told him I wasn't interested in him in that way. "What do you mean?" he said. I told him that I liked him as a friend but that I didn't want to kiss him. "As a friend?" he laughed at me. He then proceeded to inform me that I had been leading him on for months. If I thought I could invite him into my house and accept his gifts of candy and not put out, I had another think coming. It was time for me to pay up. He pushed me back on the bed and laid on top of me, pressing his huge body into mine and kissing me hard. I realized I was in a bit over my head but my intuition told me to not resist him.

I relaxed and kissed him back for awhile and pretended he wasn't gross. This calmed him down. I told him I was thirsty and asked him if he wanted a drink of water. He did. I walked into the kitchen and then ran out the back door to my neighbors. I stayed there until he left. I never thought to call the police. My neighbors never thought to go back to my house with me and confront him. We just waited until he finally left and then I went home. I was nineteen years old. He never came back but my body still reacts when I think of him.

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