Monday, March 19, 2007

My First Tea Ceremony

Today I finished reading The Book Of Tea by Okakura Kakuzo and mastered my first Tea Ceremony. It went well although I wasn't able to create a froth on top of the tea no matter how much I whisked it. I was alone but I was honoring my brother, Stan, whose birthday is today. Happy Birthday Stan.

When I told my Japanese daughter-in-law, Nobuko, that I was learning tea ceremony her eyes lit up. She told me that she had gone to tea ceremony school in Japan but that she hadn't completed her studies. She said, with half feigned insouciance, "It's very hard, I couldn't even walk to the tea mat correctly!"

I told her that the style I'm learning is very permissive and she said, "I think, that's much better." So thank you Edrid, for the Tatagata-Style Tea Ceremony--A "California" version of the traditional Cha-no-yu Japanese Tea Ceremony.

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