Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Love Intensive at Isis Oasis 2006

During the walking contemplation, I was standing in the empty dome in the meadow contemplating What Is Love? and watching nature.

Other participants were walking by, a cat was chasing something, the mountains were there being mountains, as were the grasses, bushes and trees. There was this little bird in the tree and a song came to mind and I starting singing this one line of the song over and over, "I want to know what Love is, I want you to show me..."

Everything I saw in nature was acceptance. Acceptance of what is. Acceptance was everywhere I looked and I knew without a doubt that love was acceptance. A total non-resistance to what is, is loving what is, is love itself. Love, in love.

And then, the view of nature before me was bright and clear, as if a mist had lifted. The clarity of my sight was so brilliant, that everything was enlightened. Everything was love. And I wept because I was in love. I was love.

Isis Oasis

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