Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Beware of Rattlesnakes

Last April I had just returned from my first Enlightenment Intensive with Edrid at the Mt. Baldy Zen Center and was still in an altered state of consciousness. I walked to the tree farm during my lunch break and found myself in "the twilight zone". I couldn't find the lush area with the creek flowing through and the bamboo grove. I walked another trail and came to a sign saying "Beware rattlesnake relocation area, do not disturb the snakes."

Of course I backed out and then noticed I had a little paranoia of possible snakes who might have ventured outside of their new relocation boundaries and could be sunning themselves on the road I was walking. I felt a little jumpy and began comtemplating fear, specifically my fear. I'm generally not much afraid of many things and I realized that most of my manifested fear results from imagining that I will not get what I want (a preferance for a specific type of love for instance) rather than stemming from imagining I will get something I don't want (a snake in my path).

I was correlating of the "Beware of Snakes" sign on my walk, to life in general and reflecting that there always seem to be signs that warn me, if there is in fact something real to fear, and that otherwise I have no cause to worry much. And I don't. Usually anyway. That's my style. I basically go about feeling safe while paying attention to any red flags that may appear. Neat system.

By the way, The Twilight Zone was one of my very favorite t.v. shows from 1959 to 1964 when I was 5 to 10 years old. Do you remember that stuff? It was awesome. And Rod Sterling...I was spellbound.

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