Friday, May 23, 2008

Letting Go/Self Portrait

The difference between letting go and shutting down:

The dissimilarities are significance. Shutting down moves against, it constricts and closes the heart. It's a protective stance, a shield. Letting go allows the heart to remain open. The need to defend dissipates and resistance to what is dissolves. There is a peaceful surrender, a yielding.

What does one shut down to? The moment; love; the truth; what is real.

What is one letting go of?
Attachment to anything other than what is; judgment; belief in wrong and right; mind; ego.


Greenwoman said...

You look beautiful in your picture.

You are very brave. ((hugs))

Moi said...

Letting go of shutting down?

Lovin' ya.

I AM ANOTHER said...

Aw, thanks Greenwoman. I don't know about brave's all relative I guess.

Gillette, yes, I suppose so. Not judging it, just noticing and making another choice that feels better. Lovin' u 2.

Anonymous said...

Okay, like um, I've been reading this blog? For like um, a long time now? And like I still don't know what another is? Um, which one is another? I'm like so confused?
Is it the one with glasses?
Cause the glasses one is hot? And like it's another one? Right?

I AM ANOTHER said...

R, um like, exactly which another with the glasses is hot?