Thursday, December 6, 2007

Knowing The Truth

I've been reading this book called, The Spiritual Path--Buddha Zen Tao Tantra by Osho. This quote is on the cover:
"Truth surrounds you. It is in the air, it is in the fragrance of the flowers, it is in the flow of the river, it is in the green leaves, it is in the stars, it is in the dust. It is in you."
Osho says that the word buddha means "awakened intelligence" and that the word buddhi, "intellect," comes from the same root word, budh and that there are at least five meanings to this word. One of the meanings of budh, or intelligence, is to know, to understand that which is. He explains the difference between understanding something, knowing it, and having knowledge or information about it. An intelligent person doesn't care so much about knowledge but wants to understand, to know something. First hand knowing is for the adventurous, those who are willing to move into the unknown. Secondhand knowledge makes your memory bigger but not your intelligence.

I think what Osho is talking about here is having a direct experience of the truth. This is what the Enlightenment Intensives with their dyad contemplation and communication technique are all about--intending to have a direct experience of the truth, or a direct knowing of the truth. This is called a breakthrough to enlightenment.
Osha tells this story:
A woman bought a tin of fruit but she could not open the tin. She did not know how to open it, so she rushed to her study to look in a cookbook. By the time she looked in the book and found the page and reference, and came rushing back ready to open the tin, the servant had already opened it. She asked, "But how did you do it?" The servant said, "Madam, when yo can't read, you have to use your mind."
There is something very important for me in this story. I tend to often depend on other things, seeking here and there for all sorts of tools to aid me while my mind sits idle.


Greenwoman said...

Mmmm....that is a good story. Thank you!

I AM ANOTHER said...

You're welcome Greenwoman!