Monday, September 17, 2007

You Fucked Up Girlfriend

What is my solar plexus saying to me? "Damn girlfriend, you fucked up sweetie."

Some sources cite the solar plexus chakra as the seat of intuition, the place where one experiences a sense of knowing and our intent of being. If we listen to the solar plexus it will help us make better decisions in our lives. The solar plexus is where the mind and body link up--the heartmind. Problems arise when we ignore our 'gut reactions', our intuitions. When we don't listen to our own inner voice.

I found this affirmation to help with disharmony in the solar plexus.

I trust my inner voice. I am strong, wise and powerful.

Am I dealing with blocked and stored feelings of shame and/or being unloved? Maybe I have unresolved trauma? Or too many unmet emotional needs? What would those unmet needs be? Am I that out of touch with my true intent of being right now? Is some of what I'm experiencing right now the unresolved pain of my childhood? Or is the childhood pain I've blocked an accumulation of my parental guilt and shame from acknowledging (but inability to cope with) my contribution to the unmet needs of my own children, now adults?

The solar plexus is also referred to as a 'trauma bank.' One way to release the trauma stored there and experience more personal power is through breath work. There is a connection between full on breathing and full of feeling. Shallow, half hearted breathing reduces sensation, and reduces our personal power. Children whose parents have not allowed them, nor modeled good skills for experiencing the full range of emotions, including the most painful ones, start suppressing their natural ability to breathe deep and free which encourages the processing of traumatic emotions as they are experienced. These unprocessed emotions get stored all over the body, especially in the solar plexus.

This becomes a circular feedback loop--blocked emotions stored in the solar plexus inhibit the diaphragm and our ability to breath deeply and freely. Then, the inhibited diaphragm encourages the habit of not breathing deeply, leaving us unable to fully experience and process our emotions. These partially experienced and processed emotions are stored in the solar plexus creating further blockage and the cycle continues.


Why another post on the solar plexus? Last night I had another attack. I was up most of the night, in and out of the shower allowing the hot water to beat on my power spot, providing just enough relief to temporarily cope. Then I'd crawl back in bed and be able to relax just enough to almost fall asleep but the pain would again increase to the point where I would be back up stretching on my yoga ball or asking Jerry to crack my back so I could breathe a little freer. Then I'd try to do some conscious breathing until I'd be back in the shower again...Most of the night. I did get a few hours of sleep before I was up at 7:00 to get ready to go to work.

The pain was gone today but the area is incredibly tender. Also I have an outrageous head cold, sneezing all day with itchy ears and throat.

Yea, yea, I've been a little stressed I guess. I thought I was handling it all OK but obviously not.


They call him James Ure said...

Breathing is so powerful, I agree. Meditation has brought me so much peace, clarity and power.

I AM ANOTHER said...

Breathing has saved my life. I'm trying to meditate more. I'm going to a full day Vipassana meditation with John Travis on Sunday.