Sunday, August 19, 2007


Good Story. Awhile back when Gillette was in Italy she discovered these "master words" or "power words" of the universe and posted about them. Isn't that the way it went Gillette? Anyway, I was intrigued and there was this e-book to download and I read what I could find out about them. One of the master words was "Reach" which related to finding lost things. If you are trying to recall something you have forgotten, or find an item you have lost, you are to speak this word out loud while visualizing the lost thing. If it is a memory you're trying to grasp you would just intend to remember and then let go of the effort and release it to the universe. Well this is my memory and interpretation on how to use this "master word" anyway.

Right after I discovered this word I was looking for my umbrella. I had searched EVERYWHERE and it was just gone. It seemed as if I had exhausted all of my searching options when I remembered to use the word. I said "Reach" out loud while picturing myself grasping the umbrella. I immediately thought to look in a certain place and there it was. The umbrella was in my hand in less than 10 seconds!

Today my daughter was searching for a little lost tin that held her money, id, etc. She had searched EVERYWHERE and was getting upset, feeling frantic. At first I told her to pray to Saint Anthony because he was the one I turned to in the past as the "power finder" of lost things. I'd used his services since I was a teenager and he had come through for me many times. She laughed and I said--do you want to find your tin or not? She said a little prayer to Saint Anthony and kept looking. Then I remembered "Reach" and I started telling her and her friend about the "master words." I instructed her to say "Reach" out loud while envisioning her tin. She did as I instructed and found her tin in about 3 seconds flat! She had just prayed to Saint Anthony so I didn't want to leave him out of this story as he probably influenced the outcome too.

Try it sometime and let me know how it works for you.

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