Thursday, August 16, 2007

Janus Dyad

Tomorrow I'm doing a Janus Dyad with a friend. I have some specific things I want to communicate and this is the perfect dyad communication technique for doing that. This is how it goes:

Two partners sit facing one another. One begins as the receiving partner and the other as the active partner. The receiving partner instructs/invites the active partner:
1. "Tell me something you want me to know." The active partner then shares something they want their partner to know. The receiving partner thanks them and then says:
2. "Tell me how communicating that has changed our relationship." The active partner then shares again, releasing what they first shared and now focusing on the change in the relationship. The receiving partner thanks them and instructs again:
3. "Tell me how communicating that has changed our relationship." The active partner shares again. The receiving partner thanks them and then says:
4. "Tell me how communicating that has changed our relationship." After the active partner has communicated a total of four times they reverse roles and continue back and forth like this for 40 minutes.

Dyad Communication is very powerful. It's all about connecting with another--contemplating, intending, opening and then sharing the truth. The Janus Dyad is especially powerful in creating a space of intimacy and understanding.


Greenwoman said...

I hadn't heard this name before...have been introduced to the technique, but I never got to do with with my husband, only a friend once as we tried it out.

It seemed a wonderful technique!!

I AM ANOTHER said...

Hi Greenwoman. I've been crazy busy and haven't made it to your blog, or just about anyone's in awhile. Thanks for visiting. I added a link to the Janus Dyad that you might want to click on. Yes, it's a wonderful technique! I'll stop by soon.