Sunday, April 20, 2008

What More Is There To Ask For?

I'm getting choices more and more. Understanding another's freedom. Backing off from control. Making my own choices with clearer awareness. Truth evolves and beckons me. There is sadness about not getting what I want and yet just being with it and knowing I'm OK and accepting the truth of what is--the love of what is--the realness of what is. We are all individuals, here to create these seemingly separate lives which intersect and co-mingle, merge and touch around the periphery. We are all one, singing in a great choir. Every one of our voices blending together in harmony. It's OK when someone sings out of tune or bangs the drum off beat. It's OK. It's a good thing really. My agenda is not better or more important than yours. Peace comes from knowing this, from understanding that I always get what I need even when I don't get what I want. And the truth with that is that I want what I need. So I always do get what I want. What more is there to ask for?

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