Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Nice Snuggle

Writing here these last couple of days has been so helpful in processing such intense emotions.  I've felt so relieved ever since writing that last post--really released a lot.  Plus my husband sent me a very touching email after he read it.  My pain upsets him and his words were very sweet and soothing.  I haven't cried all day since first reading rootsdown's comment to one of my previous posts early this morning.  Boy have I havee been triggered in a place that has some gnarly and tenacious roots shooting down into some dark woundedness.

My heart is very vulnerable and open at this moment.  My feelings are vacillating between love, fear, anger, sadness, annoyance,

I worked all day but had a nice break for lunch and took a long walk.  On my way home I stopped by Lover Who Is Not My Lover's office--not to be confused with Lover Who Is Not My Lover Two.  He was on a business call so I curled up on his couch and took a little nap.  When he got off the phone he came and took my boots off and curled up on the couch with me, intertwining his legs with mine.  We shared a soft and gentle space, catching up on one another's lives a bit.  I haven't seen him in awhile and wanted to connect, plus I needed a friend to snuggle with.  I didn't tell him about this drama I'm going through right now and really didn't want to talk about it at that point so I was relieved that he didn't ask about K. because he usually does.  


Anonymous said...

I am very glad that you are feeling better....((hugs))

I AM ANOTHER said...

me too. thanks for the hugs ;)