Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Love Story

I remember Pema always saying that men are much simpler than women are when it comes to love, that their needs in love relationships are less complicated than a woman's needs.

When it comes to love, I am a complicated woman. To be sure. I yearn to be claimed, possessed by the men I love. If I love a man who is reluctant to claim me, who is not overcome with passion to possess me and who does not act on this passion, I suffer endlessly. My heart breaks. I become distraught with dissatisfaction.

But be sure, if a man in his self-righteous sense of importance, perceives my time and attention as anything less than a gift, my availability as something that is in anyway owed him, or somehow his right--if he suggests a possessive claim on me, my desire for him diminishes. My passion fails. I balk at his arrogance and lose interest.

And jealousy? Well, a little jealously can be a good thing as it suggests attachment to the love bond, an acknowledgment of the significance of the relationship. But beware, feeling a little (or even a lot) of jealousy momentarily is one thing, while acting on it in some obvious and overt way is extremely unattractive and off-putting.

All this a fine line for a man to walk. A very fine line. I understand. Like I said, I am a complicated woman.

And then again, it's just a story. A good story. A true story. But nevertheless, just a story. Not to make light of it. No, not at all.


Greenwoman said...

((big warm hugs))

You are so fearlessly honest. I love, love, love that about you. *smiles*

SisterJulia said...

Reading this post is like a breeze of relief! I'm currently struggling with the fact that at nearly forty I still seem to find love and passion so complicated!

The whole post is like reading some of my own thoughts save I have the sensation that this bit is the other way round for me...

'If I love a man who is reluctant to claim me, who is not overcome with passion to possess me and who does not act on this passion'

This bit I feel as my desire to possess him with his desire for me...the desire to have automatic claim over the other through their desire for me.

That kind of passion makes me feel chosen and that's what I yearn for, to be chosen.

Your blog is an oasis!