Tuesday, November 20, 2007


What Am I? I am a conundrummer. I just know I am. I will contemplate this more, much more. But for just this moment, I have this intuitive hit that this is what I am.

Spent the day in NYC. Met my brother at his office before he took us out to lunch. It was good seeing him and learning a little more about his life. He's a nice man. Here's a view from his office on the 9th floor.
I love the water towers that sit atop the tall buildings all over NYC.

After lunch we headed to Times Square and did a little shopping. We had taken three of our grandkids out for hot chocolate at Starbucks the night before we left and my 10 year old granddaughter, Lulu, said to me, "Gramma, I had a dream last night that you went to New York City and brought me back an I Heart New York tee shirt." Jerry thought that was a hint so of course we had find one for her and her brother and sister.

This guy was gorgeous in his kingly crown so I sneaked a picture from behind. If I would have been quicker I would have also gotten pictures of the Mother Theresa nuns in their white saris with blue trim and the Sierra Nevada Brewery truck driving down Broadway. Sierra Nevada Brewery, was one of the first microbreweries in America and is world renowned, especially for it's Pale Ale (although the Porter is my personal favorite.) It is located in Chico, my hometown and had it's humble beginnings in its owner's (Kenny Grossman) garage. Oh, anyway, here is the king.

I saw this poster and had to take a picture. Conundrummer. What a word. I just love that. Conundrummer. I hadn't heard of Renegade Angel before but this Conumdrummer comes from there. It's an an adult cartoon, featured on Adult Swim, an adult oriented television programming network with absurdist and ribald comedy.

And then on the way home we met Tom and C. of Polyamorously Perverse. And guess where we hooked up? Yep, the Tick Tock Diner! That was an unexpected surprise that we all pulled off at rather the last minute and I'm glad we made the effort. They are nice people, smart and attractive, fun and easy to spend a couple of hours with getting to know one another a bit. We chatted about blogging, sex, swinging, polyamory, family, and Thanksgiving plans. Jerry, and then I, even got a little California woo woo on them, describing the spiritual experience of Enlightenment Intensives and they were sweet and gracious. Tom was even able to enlighten me about Chinese Buddhists and fake meat. That's one of the joys of the Internet for me, the opportunity to meet and network with folks that would otherwise be nearly impossible. It charges the power and possibilities of connection with others. And that is to me, makes life worth living.


Tom Paine said...

Thanks for the kind words. You're a lovely person, inside and out. We talked about you both, and you'll just have to guess what was said! Glad to have turned my trove of arcane information to some use (Chinese Buddhist cooking). Happy Thanksgiving to you both!

I AM ANOTHER said...

Have a beautiful day with your family and friends Tom and C. Same back at ya! Very nice meeting you both.

Tom Paine said...

I've returned the favor with a post about y'all today!

I AM ANOTHER said...

Thanks Tom, I'm on my way to read it now.