Sunday, September 9, 2007

Yvonne's Landing

Foolsgold--Chapter 32, foolsgold and ethel's landing

"If the fool persists in his folly he will become wise."--William Blake
The Tarot Fool--Artwork by Red Dog Scott.

"The Fool is an innocent, bound on a journey he knows not where, with only the conviction that with optimism the greater good will prevail. The Fool has faith in himself to bring him through new experiences, as we must have faith in ourselves, knowing our hearts lead the way and where good intentions prevail, the correct path will become apparent.

The Fool has little baggage, little preparation and his only muses are the little butterfly people who follow him, representing transformation and change, as well as his instincts for survival that will help him make his way through the weary world. He is a free spirit, an unformed personality ready to take on anything, climbing towards spiritual enlightenment.

The Fool is on a journey, an adventure. He represents new and possibly unexpected changes in one's life to a new and uncharted territory. This territory may not be a physical change in location; it can be a new creative path, a new field of study or a new business opportunity. This change may be an adventure of some type that has a beginning and end, or it may be the kind of change that affects an entire lifestyle, but as in all changes it involves risk.

The Fool can also represent foolish idealism, impulsive behavior, or extravagant and foolish choices."

I'm definitely entering into unknown, uncharted territory with my mother. It's an adventure I feel I must enter into as The Fool. Ethel's landing is the space in Susan's house, halfway up the stairs which Ethel, Susan's mom loves. It's a place for her to "pause between two worlds where she can be in a kind of limbo." I want to create yvonne's landing for my mom, a place for her to pause. I don't know if this is possible. While searching for care homes for her I know I'm willing to place her in one if necessary but I don't want this for her. I want our family to be able to care for her in a transitory pause between this life and another. I hope we can pull it off but maybe not. Her body seems to be abandoning her, or maybe it's she who is abandoning it. I go back and forth with ideas as to what is right for her at this time. What is the most loving way to care for her?

And I'm once again inspired to take on another name in honor of my mother--Yvonnechild. I don't know how or when or why I would actually use this name but I like it.

Susan takes her mom on an outing to the creek and she finds Fool's Gold. Susan is proud of her for making magic happen for them and realizes how she underestimates her mother. I also underestimate mine. Susan seems to fill herself to the brim with her mother and I wonder if I will really take the time to experience her as she makes her journey out of this world. Will I take advantage of this opportunity, this precious time, or will I allow clock's breath to distract me?
Earth cannot escape heaven, flee it by going up or flee it by going down; heaven still invades earth, energizes it, makes it sacred.--Meister Eckhart

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