Sunday, February 7, 2010

Grief Bubbling Up-I Am Not Alone

I am a contradiction of emotions and yearning.
Happy. Sad. Wanting. Content.
Tears come easy these days.
Grief bubbling up.
I push it down.
Love. Fear.
Each moment a choice.
Fear. Love.
Seeking balance before I topple.
I'm so good.
But not doing so well.
I need to rest.
What would that look like?
Major decision for this day-
Should I pull the covers over my head
and cry before I crawl out of bed?
The water's already on for my coffee.
Husband takes care of me.
I need to ask him for a really good massage.
I give thanks for family and friends.
Their sweetness sustains me.
I am not alone.


Moi said...

No you are not. You are infinitely loved. xoxxoox

SisterJulia said...


That's a beautiful reminder.

foxyfrogmomma said...

I am so glad you are back here...facebook is good...this is better!
So what would it look like if you toppled over?
You are cute even when you cry and I can only imagine when you put a blanklet over yr head. You sound like yr doing wonderful to me, like you are living your life and feeling it and surfing the waves of hormones. I love reading you girl. I think you are exactly where you need to be to birth yourself over and over again.

Greenwoman said...

Sending you hugs...

I hope the grief passes soon.

Cindy said...

yah after our chat i had a big boo hoo sniff sniff last night because my life is just so damn wonderful, i mean why does happiness release such sadness?
course then i woke up with my moon.....geeze, will i ever learn

I AM ANOTHER said...

Gillette, SisterJulia, foxyfrogmomma, Greenwoman, cindy--thank you for your love and support. I appreciate it so much!